Saturday, August 30, 2008

Post 1B:

Please post where you are in the process. Have you tried the five-day plan you wrote? What cool new lessons have you tried? How did it work out?

Next week we will start posting assignments again.


cmeyer314 said...

I have not yet tried the five day plan as we just finished our first five days of school and have been busy with routines and assemblies!

Unknown said...

I haven't exactly begun the five day plan yet either. However, we have discussed and created checklists on "What a good writer does" and "What good writing looks like". I've become a big believer in checklists because it helps students stay tuned in to whatever the mini-lesson is and gives them some ownership as they are the ones creating the checklists. I will probably begin the five day plan this week.

Anonymous said...

molly was here

Anonymous said...

I have tried my five day plan and am very pleased with how things went. Last week we had a minilesson on writing with a scarred heart. All of us wrote a letter to someone we were sad, upset, or angry with. Everyone was able to identify a person and emotion. When it was time to share, one kiddo read a letter she wrote to her grandmother who recently passed away. She described being angry and hurt for being left. While reading she started crying, as well as the rest of the class. It really showed the type of community we all feel.


Anonymous said...

I am still off-track and am so excited about getting back on. We've already set up our classroom agreements and procedures, so when we get back next week, I can start the five day plan. I am glad that I had this time to think things through over and over. I've made lots of revisions to my five day plan, I think for the better!


Anonymous said...

I have started the five day plan and introduced the writer's notebook. We are in the process of decorating their journal and tried out the Owl Moon lesson by Mark O. The kids are really enjoying writing when we get a chance.. along with all the other assemblies :)


Anonymous said...

I am tried my five day plan and have had positive feedback from the first graders - last week the class demanded 5 more minutes to write! I find that my excitement for the mini-lesson carries over with the first grade class. I still struggle with differentiating for the students who are a DRA 2 and below. I am finding they are unable to complete a thought with their writing. I have started to take mini steps with them and have them draw their stories as outlined by Lucy Caulkins and hope this will help them with their confidence levels and will help take them to the next level! I am getting better at confering and often times I carry around my "cheat sheet" to make sure I have the right words to say. I am very encouraged to continue and highly optomistic to see my stuggling writers start to get their stride!

Kim Murphy

Anonymous said...

I started my 5 day plan last week. Everything went well. I also tried the Mark Overmeyer lesson using Owl Moon. It went really well. I am now trying to build the stamina for writing...trying to increase the amount of time we spend just writing everyday.
